Body Density & Body Fat Calculator

The body fat & body density calculator takes skinfold measurements that you obtained with a caliper and plugs them into an equation that tells you what your body fat percentage is.

Skinfold Measurements (mm)
Site Measure 1 Measure 2 Measure 3 Average
Body Density:
Body Fat Method # 1:
Body Fat Method # 2:
Average of Both:
  • This page is designed for use with Lange SkinFold Calipers, therefore, measurements are restricted to a maxium of 2 digits. Value entered should be in a range of 0mm (minimum) to 70mm (maximum).
  • Checking your body fat percentage: Using a body fat caliper, you can get a friend to measure different skinfolds around your body to figure out your body fat percentage.
  • Unless you are specifically looking for your body density, it doesn't mean too much. Body fat is derived from body density and measuring skin folds gives you your density. The density is then plugged into an equation which converts it to your body fat percentage.
  • There is more than 1 method (or equation) to derive your body fat percentage. Both methods will give you a similar percentage.
  • For more accurate results, take your body fat at the same time each day and get the same person to do it everyday. The degree of error depends on many factors including the time of day (don't measure it right after exercise) and the person who takes the measurements.
  1. Jackson, A. S., & Pollock, M. L., 1978,Generalized equations for predicting body density of men, 40,497-504
  2. Brozek, J., Grande, F., Anderson, J. T., & Keys, A., ,Densitometric analysis of body composition: Revision of some quantitative assumptions, 110,113-140
  3. Sloan AW, 1967,Estimation of body fat in young men, 23,311-315